Best Oscilliscope Plugin Vst

J-Scope is a VST* oscilloscope plugin, which can prove invaluable to anyone who develops audio software and has a need to diagnose problems or visualise waveforms.

In operation it is very similar to a real oscilloscope, and most controls will be familiar to anybody who has used a hardware 'scope. The addition of a control for phosphor decay time allows the examination of rapidly changing waveforms as well as slowly evolving sound envelopes.

J-Scope accepts a stereo signal, and can display it in several modes:

  • Two separate traces, L and R
  • Single trace, sum of L and R
  • Single trace, difference between L and R
  • X/Y (Lissajous) plot, L vs R
  • X/Y (Lissajous) plot, Sum(L+R) vs Diff(L-R)

Other features of J-Scope include:
New in V1.1

Best Oscilliscope Plugin Vst
  • One-shot trigger mode with optional pre- or post-delay
  • Linear, logarithmic and polar graticules
  • Cursor measurement of level, time, frequency, note

The 10 Best Synth VST Plugins of 2020 include: Native Instruments Massive. It also comes with a modification tab for advanced control and a top-notch oscilloscope. I decided to create this post in the hopes that it will help you find the plugins you need in order to create some cool Hardstyle music. This is only a list of the ones that I found to be the best, but I will also leave a couple links below where you can find The 10 Best Hardstyle VST Plugins Ripe for the Picking! By MeldaProduction. MMultiAnalyzer is a unique multitrack analyzer.


Drum VST plugins are becoming increasingly popular as sampling becomes more and more common. The term ‘drum VST’ is rather broad, so I’ll be focusing on all types, including virtual drum libraries, percussion libraries, beat machines, and even drum synthesis.

  • Timebase from 1s/div (0.1Hz) to 0.1ms/div (1kHz)
  • Gain (Y) from x0.1 to x100
  • DC or AC coupled
  • Variable X-offset of trace(s)
  • Y-offsets of stereo traces individually adjustable
  • Adjustable trigger level, on positive or negative slopes
  • Delayed triggering
  • Display 'freeze' option
  • Adjustable phosphor persistence
  • Optional graticule with variable brightness
  • 8 preset modes for quick setup

J-Scope is donation-ware, downloadable from this site only - you may not sell it, make it available through any other website, or redistribute it in any way without my express permission.

Best Oscilloscope Plugin Vst Plugins

Download Windows 32-bit VST 2.4 zipfile, 438KB
Download Windows 64-bit VST 2.4 zipfile, 462KB

To install, simply extract the file jscope.dll or jscope_x64.dll and copy it to your VST directory.
If you find J-Scope useful, you might like to buy me a virtual beer by making a small donation.

Best Oscilloscope Vst

J-Scope was developed using the excellent Skinman and Knobman GUI tools from g200kg.

Best Oscilloscope Plugin Vst Download

Disclaimer: J-Scope is believed to function as described above and is offered in good faith on an as-is basis. However, you use it at your own risk - I cannot accept responsibility for any loss or damage caused by the installation or use of this software.
J-Scope is currently available as a 32-bit or 64-bit Windows VST 2.4 plugin.