How To Use Vst Plugins In Fl Studio

So you want to figure out how to install Massive in FL Studio?

How do I unlock my VST plugins using the FLRegkey.Reg file? The latest FL Studio news, articles, and resources, sent straight to your inbox. This is an FL Studio Tutorial about VST Plugins. This is an essential topic, related to extending the functionality of FL Studio. I'm going to show you how to do this for free in this tutorial.

Massive is a synth from Native Instruments. I love the Komplete package from Native Instruments. I use their plugins and samples in almost every song I create.

So let’s get Massive installed.

I’ll show you how to do it in these 4 easy steps:

  1. Make sure Massive is installed on your computer
  2. Setup the scan folder in FL Studio
  3. Scan the Plugins again
  4. Load Massive as a Synth

Let’s go through each step in more detail so you can follow along.

Make sure Massive is installed on your computer

You install all the Native Instrument plugins through Native Access.

Make sure you install that application, log in to your account. Check under the installed programs section to see that Massive is installed.

Next, click on the icon for Massive.

Then, on the right side of the window, click on the installation path section.

Jot down the folder path for the VST 64bit version of Massive.

Setup FL Studio to find Massive


If you followed my article on installing Kontakt in FL studio, then you should already have this path set up in FL Studio.

If not, no worries. I will show you how to do that right now.

Open up FL Studio.

On the left side menu, right click on Plugin Database.

Choose the option that says Manage Plugins.

This will bring up the Plugin Manager Folder.

This is where we tell FL Studio where to look for Massive.

Click on the add folder icon on the plugin search path menu.

This will bring up a folder selection window.

Look at the path that you jotted down in the first step.

Navigate to this folder and then click okay.

Scan the Plugins again

Now click the Start Scan button.

This will force FL Studio to look for new plugins.

When it gets done running, you should see massive show up in the list on the right.

It should be highlighted in yellow text. Mine is not, because I had previously installed Massive on my computer.

Close the Plugin Manager window.

On the left menu in FL Studio, click on the Plugin Database.

Now click Installed.

Then click Generators.

FL Studio considers Massive to be a generator, because it creates sound.

Things like reverb or delays would be located under the effects tab.

And then click VST.

You should see Massive in the list of VST Generators.

Now left click and drag Massive into your Channel Rack.

Simple as that!

Load Massive as a Synth

Now click on Plugin Database on the left side menu

Click on Generators.

Click on Synth Classic.

You should see some images of synths like 3X Osc, Fruity DX10, and GMS.

Now click on the arrow in the top left corner of the instance of Massive you loaded into the Channel Rack.

Scroll down to add to plugin database (flag as favorite).

You’ll get a warning telling you that you are about to load this as a favorite in the Synth Classic section.

Click okay.

Now you should see an image of Massive appear in the left side of FL Studio, under the Synth Classic list.

So now you can easily add Massive to the Channel Rack.

Click on Add at the top of FL Studio

Navigate to the Synth Classic section and pick Massive.

Now FL Studio will load another instance of Massive.


I hope this was helpful to show you how to install Massive in FL Studio

Anytime you want, you can load Massive easily into your projects.

Have fun making some music!

I’m seeing lot of people asking how to install VST plugins into FL Studio so here’s a short guide showing you how to do it.

First of all, you need to have a folder for all your VST plugins somewhere in your hard drive (default is under C:Program Files). If you dont have one, create it and name it to ‘VSTplugins’ for example.

Free Trap Vst Plugins Fl Studio

Now, usually VST plugins (most of the free ones at least) comes either zipped (or rar packed) package of files (.DLL file(s)) which you have to unzip or unrar to your VSTplugins folder. You need a ZIP / RAR extractor such as 7-Zip or IZArc for this.

Best Free Vst Plugins For Fl Studio

Unpack the whole content of that .zip or .rar file straight to your VSTplugins folder (or to your desktop and move/copy it to there).

If the plugin has its own installer (.exe file), follow the instructions given during the installation. Usually it asks the location of your VSTplugin folder.

Next, open the FL Studio and go to Options -> File Settings (or press F10) and under the ‘VST plugins extra search folder’, define your default VSTplugin folder (if you haven’t done so already). You only need to do this once and not everytime you install a new plugin.

After that, go to the Channels -> Add one -> More… and a box with a list of plugins will appear. At the Bottom of the box you’ll see a’Refresh’ button: click on it and choose ‘Fast scan (recommended)’ from the menu:

After scanning you should see your newly installed plugin in the plugin list (in red color):

That’s it!

Now you can double click it to open it and if you want, tick the little box (Favourite Switch) that is in front of the plugin to make it appear in your favourites list.

Fl Studio 11 Vst Plugins

NOTE that if you installed an EFFECT plugin (not a synth which is a ‘generator’, but an effect – these are two different types of plugins), you can only open it to a Mixer tracks effect slot.